Texas Dispatch

"We know ourselves only insofar as we have been tested." - Wislawa Szymborska

Republicans Continue To Support Pedophilia

Daniel Hofheinz, 2017-11-10
  • Roy Moore, Republican Senate candidate, has been accused of inappropriate sexual relations with a 14 year old and Republicans don't care.
  • The Republican party has a long history of elevating pedophiles and sexual predators to positions of power.
Kiev Freedom Hill
  • Paul Manafort has been indicted for multiple crimes including money laundering, tax evasion, and illegal foreign lobbying.
  • Our foreign adversaries continue to easily exploit Donald's affinity for corruption.
Korean DMZ Monument
  • Unable to be anything but himself, Donald has consistently exposed himself as incompetent as a negotiator and as a diplomat.
  • The emperor with no clothes continues to humiliate himself on all fronts, both domestic and international.
Trump Poster
  • Donald reportedly called a "fucking moron" by Rex Tillerson in front of national security staff.
  • Only in a Trump organization you can call the boss a fucking moron and keep your job.

President Trump Is A Moral Disgrace

Daniel Hofheinz, 2017-10-19
Military Cemetary
  • Donald began the week by lying about Obama and ended it in a fight with Gold Star families.
  • There are no adequate words to describe his sociopathic lack of empathy for others.